Tuesday, September 12, 2006

the CALL

i hear, a sweet sound .
with waves, dancing around.
cool breeze, brushing my cheeks.
a beautiful, feeling that now surrounds.
dancing, in the rain
happiness, that runs in my veins
twinkling stars, that i watch in the night.
beautiful moon, that has dim light.
all these r ,signs of love.
i feel my love, is waiting to be found.

come to me ,come to me.
my love is calling to me.

come to me ,come to me.
my love is calling to meeeeeeeeee.

is this it, or is there still time.
should i wait , or should i call it a night.

come to me, come to me.
my love is calling to me.

come to me ,come to me.
my love is calling to meeeeeeeeee.

i cannot wait any longer.
i think this is my love,i am gonna call her.


delhidreams said...

shud i wait or call her, hmmm, u can call and still be kept waiting...

Keshi said...

call when u wanna call. dun resist.
