Tuesday, September 12, 2006

the real story

not a day goes by when i call u and ask u why,
i would have crossed seven seas for u,
u shld have just given me a cry,

in my heart i know i will never be the same
u have stolen my beats and i know i'll miss them,
every day i say no but i again fall in love,

now i cry all time while in sleep,
hoping that this tears will wash away all sadness from ur life,
i hope u get all happy even when i am sad,
i hope u get ur true love even though i have lost all i could have had,

i hope u r loved more than what i could have dreamed,
i hope i never fall in love for i never want to loose the pain,
if this pain is the only thing that connects us ,
then i wish i die with this pain in my heart,

just a thing or two i wanted to say,
it was not ur eyes ,not ur hairs nor ur face that stole my beats,
its ur name that still echos in my soul,
its ur name that makes me fall again and again.

1 comment:

delhidreams said...

and ppl ask wats in a name...she ws the second ray of the sun, wats ur memory...